

Marine Insurance covers the loss or damage of ships, cargo, terminals, and any transport by which the property is transferred, acquired, or held between the points of origin and the final destination. We can assist with providing a tailor-made insurance cover solution for importation, exportation and transportation of Goods by sea, rail, air, road or post conveyed internationally and locally.

    Goods In Transit

    Goods In Transit
    Goods in Transit Insurance covers property against loss or damage while it is in transit from one place to another. This cover also protects the Transporter or Courier Distributer for their responsibility, in the event of damage or loss to goods being carried by road, rail, air & post. We can assist with providing an insurance cover solution specific to the needs of the cover required for the different Goods being carried to cover the risks associated with nature of the Goods, moving them and the recourse of rectification for instances of loads incurring losses.


      Engineering Insurance is cover that provides economic safeguard to the risks faced by the ongoing construction projects and/or machines and equipment in project operation. We can assist with providing insurance cover solutions for the following but not limited to Contractors’ All Risks Insurance (CAR), Contractors’ plant and equipment Insurance (CPE), Machinery Breakdown Insurance (MB), Deterioration of Stock (DOS).


        Transportation insurance is cover for the insured's property while it is in transit from one location to another on any necessary mode of transport. We assist our Transporters in creating custom made solutions to cater to their unique transport requirements and budget via various insurance cover options and solutions available on the market place for the demanding nature of the Transport Industry. Transporters should be aligned with Insurers who have gone the extra mile to establish and cater to the needs of the Transporter’s Industry. Our transportation cover includes but not limited to: Own damage, loss of income, drivers’ personal accident, drivers’ criminal defence costs, third party liabilities, carriers’ liabilities, car hire liabilities, goods in transit and more.