Wealth creation, prosperity and protection

We offer a number of Investment solutions to cater for the specific need of our clients, be it to assist them with building a Wealth Portfolio (Wealth creation), assisting with helping their existing Wealth Portfolio work for them (Wealth prosperity) and to protect their Wealth Portfolio that they have built up over the years (Wealth protection).
We have tailor made specific investments vehicles and platforms to tie in with our client’s risk appetite, time horizon and their goal.
Retirement and Estate Planning

Addressing your retirement years as soon as possible with the assistance of a Financial planner is critical. This will define whether you will retire as you would like to or highlight shortfalls that are needing to be addressed in order for you to reach your goals.
We assist our clients with pre-retirement planning as well as post- retirement planning.
Life Cover

We assist our clients with identifying their specific needs through our process of a Financial Needs Analysis. This process allows us to address various areas of concern and to put them into priority thus ensuring that our client’s Risk profile is therefore addressing the specific goals in the correct order. Working with a Financial planner and ensuring that you have the correct cover and protection in place, provides you with peace of mind that in the event of unforeseen life events, you will be able to continue offering your family the lifestyle that they are accustomed to and therefore not leaving your family destitute.
Business Risk Insurance

We are able to assist business in ensuring that they have the correct Business insurance structures in place to help protect the business as well as the equity of the business, built up over the number of years. We assist our Business clients with Buy & Sell agreements, contingent liability plans, Asset and equipment protection or future purchases of equipment and Key man insurance. Addressing these key areas can ensure the continuation of your business on a daily operations and reduce and minimise any possible financial loss. We assist our clients in covering the Key people in the business as we believe one of the most valuable assets to any business, are the Key people.
Employee Benefits

We work with Business owners in implementing a tailor made package for them to assist their employees with, addressing the employees retirement planning and risk cover protection (addressing life cover, disability cover and income protection). We have found that when employers look after their employees by offering them Employee benefits or some form of cover, this builds loyalty amongst the team of employees and thus employee retention is addressed in return.
Medical Aid

We assist our clients who are looking for the most beneficial medical aid package, that offers them the benefits that they individually require.
Correctly structured Wills and estate cost reduction plans

By working with a Financial advisor when setting up your Will and Testament, you are able to look after your loved ones even after your death. Having a clearly understood and valid Will outlining the division and allocation of assets after death reduces the added stress for your family during this very emotional time.